CFDB - Cystic Fibrosis DataBase

primary studies published RCT

Effects of music therapy as an adjunct to chest physiotherapy in children with cystic fibrosis: A randomized controlled trial.

Study design (if review, criteria of inclusion for studies)

Randomized controlled trial


Children with CF between the ages of 2 and 17


Music therapy (MT). Specifically composed and recorded instrumental music as an adjunct to ACT. The authors compared the use of specifically composed music (Treated Group, TG), music that the patient liked (Placebo Group, PG), and no music (Control Group, CG) during the usual ACT routine

Outcome measures

The primary outcomes, i.e., enjoyment and perception of time, were evaluated via validated questionnaires. The secondary outcome, i.e., efficiency, was evaluated in terms of avoided healthcare resources.

Main results

Enjoyment increased after the use of the specifically composed music (children +0.9 units/parents +1.7 units; p<0.05) compared to enjoyment with no music (0 units) and familiar music (+0.5 units). Perception of time was 11.1 min (±3.9) less than the actual time in the TG (p<0.05), 3.9 min (±4.2) more than the actual time in the PG and unchanged in the CG. The potential cost saving related to respiratory exacerbations was €6,704.87, while the cost increased to €33,524.35 in the CG and to €13,409.74 in the PG.

Authors' conclusions

The specifically composed, played and compiled instrumental recorded music is an effective adjunct to ACT to establish a positive response and is an efficient option in terms of avoided costs.

Keywords: Adult; Caregivers; Child; Infant; Music Therapy - Singing; non pharmacological intervention - devices OR physiotherapy; non pharmacological intervention - psyco-soc-edu-org; Creative and physical therapies; Behavioural interventions;