CFDB - Cystic Fibrosis DataBase

primary studies published RCT

Facilitating Positive Psychosocial Adaptation in Children with Cystic Fibrosis by Increasing Family Communication and Problem-Solving Skills. A Research Report to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Study design (if review, criteria of inclusion for studies)

randomized trial


13 families of children with cystic fibrosis (CF)


a group received information on medical and technical aspects of CF and a group received instruction in communication skills in addition to medical and technical information. Didactic and experiential techniques were used to present communication skills.

Outcome measures

Measures of family interaction, child adjustment, locus of control, and understanding of CF were collected from parents and children prior to the intervention, immediately after the 4-session series and 6 months after completion. (Instruments used are included in the appendices.)

Main results

Analysis of results indicated no differences between groups from the first to the final data collection times; communication training did not improve family functioning. However, parents reported greater satisfaction with didactic than with experiential techniques.

Authors' conclusions

The authors speculate that families in "chronic crisis" may find disease- related educational material more relevant and reassuring than process-oriented instruction and caution that clinical interventions with such populations need to be systematically evaluated because techniques designed for psychiatric populations may not translate directly to families coping with chronic medical problems.

Keywords: Adult; Child; Counseling; family; Family Therapy; non pharmacological intervention - psyco-soc-edu-org; Psychoeducation; training; Cognitive analytic therapy; information; Systemic interventions;