CFDB - Cystic Fibrosis DataBase

Other Reviews - Other Review

Nutritional intervention in patients with cystic fibrosis: a systematic review

Study design (if review, criteria of inclusion for studies)

Systematic review

List of included studies (17)

Powers 2003, Powers 2005, Stark 2003, Stark 2009, Stark 2011, Watson 2008, Kalnins 2005, Poustie 2006, Skypala 1998, Steinkamp 2000, Bell 2002, Bradley 2012, Efrati 2006, Rosenfeld 1999, Truby 2009, Van Biervliet 2004, Williams 1999


CF patients


Behavioural interventions, oral supplementation or enteral tube feeding

Outcome measures

Weight gain

Main results

The inclusion criteria were met by 17 articles, focusing on respectively behavioural interventions (n=6), oral supplementation (n=4) or enteral tube feeding (n=7). This latter intervention was universally successful to induce weight gain. One behavioural study and 2 oral supplementation studies also reported significant weight gain.

Authors' conclusions

Enteral tube feeding is effective to improve nutritional status, while the described effects of behavioural intervention and oral supplementation are not consistent at present.

Keywords: Caloric Intake; Child; Enteral Nutrition; non pharmacological intervention - diet; non pharmacological intervention - psyco-soc-edu-org; Nutrition Disorders; Supplementation; Oral; parenteral nutrition; Behavioural interventions;