CFDB - Cystic Fibrosis DataBase

primary studies published, non RCT

Change in Nutrient and Dietary Intake in European Children with Cystic Fibrosis after a 6-Month Intervention with a Self-Management mHealth Tool.

Study design (if review, criteria of inclusion for studies)

Non randomized trial


Pancreatic insufficient children with CF, followed in six European CF centres. Eighty-four subjects (mean 7.8 years old)


A self-management mobile app in supporting patients with CF to achieve the dietary goals

Outcome measures

Dietary goals set by the CF nutrition guidelines.

Main results

Compared to baseline, macronutrient distribution better approximated the guidelines, with protein and lipid increasing by 1.0 and 2.1% of the total energy intake, respectively, by the end of the study. Consequently, carbohydrate intake of the total energy intake decreased significantly (-2.9%), along with simple carbohydrate intake (-2.4%). Regarding food groups, a decrease in ultra-processed foods was documented, with a concomitant increase in meat and dairy.

Authors' conclusions

The use of a self-management mobile app to self-monitor dietary intake could become a useful tool to achieve adherence to guideline recommendations, if validated during a longer period of time or against a control group.

Keywords: Adult; Caregivers; Child; non pharmacological intervention - diet; non pharmacological intervention - psyco-soc-edu-org; pharmacological_intervention; Psychoeducation; training; Self-Management; Systemic interventions; Behavioural interventions;