Study design (if review, criteria of inclusion for studies)
Case-control study
Asymptomatic preschool patients affected by CF. A total of 70 enrolled patients (20 patients affected by CF, 50 healthy controls) aged from 3 to 6 years. All included patients were without intercurrent lung problems and without antibiotic therapy in the last 30 days.
Lung ultrasound. For each patient a lung Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) of lung was performed.
Outcome measures
Lung ultrasound findings
Main results
B linesâ<â3 and sub-pleural consolidationsâ<â1Â cm were statistically more frequent in CF patients, both in terms of number of affected patients (p 0.02 and p 0.0001 respectively) and frequency (p 0.0181 and p 0.0001 respectively); the prevalence of B linesâ<â3 in control group was high (47.73%) however the prevalence of sub-pleural consolidations was very low (2.27%). In both groups coalescent B lines affected a greater number of infants and were in higher number of findings than patients aged between 2 and 6Â years.
Authors' conclusions
The presence of multiple subpleural pulmonary consolidationsâ<â1Â cm in asymptomatic preschool children could be a ultrasound markers of subclinical pulmonary disease such as CF. POCUS of lung is confirmed as a useful tool for the clinician as confirmation of a clinical suspicion, help reduce the use of ionizing radiation.